How Often to Water Monstera Plant?

Welcome to our in-depth guide on the art and science of nurturing the Monstera Deliciosa.

Renowned for its distinctive foliage and adaptability, this tropical gem has captivated plant enthusiasts worldwide. Central to its flourishing is a nuanced understanding of watering needs.

In this guide, we’ll embark on an exhaustive exploration of Monstera care, delving deeply into the specifics of watering frequency to ensure your verdant companion thrives in its domestic habitat.

Unveiling Monstera’s Natural Habitat

Before immersing ourselves in watering practices, let’s acquaint ourselves with the Monstera Deliciosa’s native environment.

Originating from the lush rainforests of Central and South America, this plant flourishes in high humidity, with well-draining soil beneath the canopy. These ecological insights provide a blueprint for our watering regimen.

Read: Monstera Varieties: Top Beautiful Swiss Cheese Plants.

How Often to Water Monstera Plant?

How Often to Water Monstera Plant?

The watering needs of a Monstera are influenced by a myriad of environmental and cultural factors. It’s essential to take these into consideration to establish a watering routine that best replicates its native habitat.

Light Dynamics:

Light intensity is a pivotal factor in determining how often a Monstera should be watered. In its natural habitat, Monstera plants receive bright, filtered sunlight.

This implies that in environments with higher light intensity, the soil tends to dry out more rapidly.

Consequently, plants in sunnier spots may require more frequent watering compared to those in shadier corners.

Note: It is true that Monstera plants prefer bright, filtered sunlight. However, they can also tolerate lower light conditions.

Monstera plants in shadier spots may require less frequent watering, but they will still need to be watered regularly.

Thermal Influence:

Temperature profoundly impacts a plant’s water uptake and transpiration rates. In warmer environments, the rate of soil moisture evaporation accelerates, necessitating more frequent watering.

Conversely, in cooler settings, the soil retains moisture for longer periods, resulting in a slower rate of soil desiccation.

Humidity Quotient:

Monstera plants thrive in high humidity. In indoor environments, especially those with controlled climate systems, the air tends to be drier than their native rainforest habitat.

This leads to faster soil moisture evaporation, requiring more vigilant monitoring and potentially more frequent watering.

Pot Dimensions and Composition:

The size and material of the pot significantly influence how quickly the soil dries out.

Terracotta pots, for example, allow moisture to evaporate more readily due to their porous nature, while glazed ceramic pots retain moisture for longer periods.

Substrate Selection:

The choice of potting mix is critical. A well-draining, aerated mixture that replicates the organic, nutrient-rich soil of its native habitat is essential.

Soil that retains too much moisture can lead to root rot, while overly fast-draining soil can result in dehydration.

Taking these factors into account provides a holistic view of how the Monstera interacts with its environment.

By understanding these dynamics, we can adjust our watering practices to align more closely with the plant’s natural rhythms and ensure optimal health and vitality.

Read: How to Propagate Monstera: A Step-by-Step Guide.

The Finger Test: An Indispensable Litmus

The finger test is an invaluable tool in a plant enthusiast’s arsenal for gauging a Monstera Deliciosa’s hydration needs.

It offers a tactile and reliable method to determine when it’s time to water your plant.

To perform the finger test, gently insert your index finger into the soil, going down to a depth of approximately an inch (2.5 cm).

What you’re feeling for is the moisture level at this depth. If the soil feels dry to the touch, it’s an indication that it’s time to water your Monstera.

However, if the soil still feels slightly damp, it’s best to hold off on watering. Remember, overwatering can be detrimental to your Monstera, potentially leading to issues like root rot.

By waiting until the top inch of soil has dried out, you allow the plant’s root system to access oxygen, preventing potential complications associated with waterlogged conditions.

It’s important to note that different pots and environmental conditions can influence how quickly the soil dries out.

Factors such as pot size, material, room temperature, and humidity levels all play a role. Therefore, it’s crucial to perform the finger test regularly, especially when you’re acclimating to the specific needs of your Monstera in its unique environment.

By incorporating the finger test into your watering routine, you’re not only providing your Monstera with tailored care, but you’re also fostering a deeper connection with your plant.

This hands-on approach to plant care allows you to become attuned to the individual needs and rhythms of your Monstera, ultimately leading to a healthier and more thriving plant companion.

Remember: The finger test is a helpful way to gauge the moisture level of the soil, but it is not always a perfect method. It is important to note that the soil in different areas of the pot may dry out at different rates. Additionally, the finger test may not be accurate if the pot has drainage holes in the bottom.

Watering Artistry

Watering your Monstera is an art form that requires precision and attentiveness. While it may seem like a straightforward task, the way you administer water can have a significant impact on your plant’s overall health and well-being.

  1. Prudent Water Selection: Opt for room-temperature water when tending to your Monstera. Water that is too cold can shock the roots, while water that is too hot may scald them. Allowing tap water to sit for 24 hours before use can help dissipate chlorine and other chemicals that may be present.
  2. Base-Targeted Watering: Direct the flow of water towards the base of the plant, avoiding contact with the leaves. This practice helps prevent issues like fungal infections and water spots on the foliage. Additionally, watering at the base ensures that the roots, where water absorption primarily occurs, receive the moisture they need.
  3. Facilitate Adequate Drainage: Confirm that your Monstera’s pot is equipped with drainage holes. This allows excess water to escape freely, preventing waterlogged soil which can lead to root rot. Never allow your Monstera to sit in a saucer of stagnant water.
  4. Empty the Saucer: After watering, take a moment to check if excess water has collected in the saucer beneath the pot. If so, promptly empty it. Allowing the plant’s roots to sit in stagnant water can lead to a host of problems, including reduced oxygen uptake and root suffocation.

By paying careful attention to the nuances of watering, you’re not only providing your Monstera with the moisture it needs, but you’re also minimizing the risk of potential water-related issues.

This level of attentiveness and care ultimately contributes to a thriving and flourishing Monstera in your home.

Remember, it’s the small details, like the way you water, that can make a big difference in the overall health and vitality of your plant companion.

Seasonal Vicissitudes

Understanding how the changing seasons impact your Monstera’s water needs is a crucial aspect of successful plant care.

Just as nature undergoes its cycles, so too does your Monstera Deliciosa. Adjusting your watering routine to align with these natural rhythms ensures that your plant receives the tailored care it requires.

  1. Spring and Summer: As the days lengthen and temperatures rise, your Monstera enters its active growth phase. This period, typically spanning from spring through early autumn, is characterized by increased metabolic activity. As a result, your plant may exhibit heightened water consumption. Regularly monitor the soil moisture levels, and be prepared to water more frequently, especially if your Monstera is situated in a location with higher light intensity.
  2. Autumn and Winter: As the days grow shorter and temperatures drop, your Monstera enters a period of dormancy. During this time, its growth rate slows down, and its water requirements diminish. Adjust your watering routine accordingly, allowing the soil to dry out more thoroughly between waterings. Be mindful of the reduced light levels during this season, which may also affect how quickly the soil dries out.

Remember, it’s always better to err on the side of underwatering than overwatering. The cooler temperatures and reduced light levels of autumn and winter naturally lead to a decreased need for water.

By respecting this natural ebb and flow, you’re providing your Monstera with the conditions it needs to thrive year-round.

Additionally, consider other seasonal factors that can influence your plant’s water needs, such as changes in indoor humidity levels due to heating systems in winter or air conditioning in summer.

These adjustments ensure that your Monstera receives the precise care it requires to remain healthy and robust throughout the year.

Steering Clear of Common Watering Pitfalls

Avoiding common watering mistakes is essential to the health and vitality of your Monstera Deliciosa. Here are some key pitfalls to be mindful of:

Overzealous Hydration:

Overwatering is perhaps the most prevalent mistake made in plant care. It’s crucial to remember that Monstera plants, like many tropical species, prefer to dry out between waterings.

Allow the top inch or so of soil to become dry before administering more water. This practice prevents the risk of root rot, a common ailment associated with waterlogged conditions.

Inconstant Watering Patterns:

Consistency in watering is paramount. Establishing a regular watering schedule helps your Monstera develop a healthy root system that can efficiently absorb nutrients and moisture.

Erratic watering can lead to stress and make the plant more susceptible to diseases and pests.

Overhead Irrigation:

While Monstera plants appreciate high humidity, they do not appreciate water on their leaves. Water droplets on the foliage can lead to fungal infections and unsightly water spots.

Aim to water directly at the base of the plant to ensure the roots receive the moisture they need.

Neglecting Drainage Provisions:

Adequate drainage is essential to prevent water from pooling at the bottom of the pot. This stagnant water can suffocate the roots and lead to a host of problems.

Always ensure your Monstera’s pot has drainage holes, and promptly remove any excess water that collects in the saucer.

By avoiding these common watering pitfalls, you’re taking proactive steps to promote the overall well-being of your Monstera Deliciosa.

Remember, successful plant care is a delicate balance, and it’s through attentive and informed practices that you’ll cultivate a thriving and flourishing Monstera in your home.

Related FAQs:

How often should I water my Monstera?

The frequency of watering your Monstera Deliciosa depends on various factors, including light, temperature, humidity, and potting mix. As a general guideline, water your Monstera when the top inch (2.5 cm) of the soil feels dry.

This might translate to every 1-2 weeks, but it’s crucial to monitor the soil moisture and adjust accordingly based on your specific environment.

Is it better to underwater or overwater my Monstera?

It’s generally better to underwater than overwater a Monstera. These plants are more tolerant of dry conditions compared to waterlogged soil, which can lead to root rot.

Always allow the soil to dry out between waterings, and use the finger test to gauge moisture levels.

Can I establish a watering schedule for my Monstera?

While it’s helpful to have a general watering routine, it’s crucial to remain flexible and adjust based on the specific needs of your plant.

Factors like light intensity, temperature, and humidity levels can change, influencing your Monstera’s water requirements. Always rely on the finger test as your primary indicator.

Should I mist my Monstera to increase humidity?

Misting can provide a temporary boost in humidity, but it’s not the most effective method for long-term moisture.

Consider using a humidifier or employing humidity-boosting techniques like grouping plants together or placing a tray of water and pebbles near your Monstera.

Can I use tap water for my Monstera?

Yes, tap water can be used for your Monstera, but it’s recommended to let it sit for 24 hours to allow chlorine and other chemicals to dissipate.

If your tap water is heavily treated or contains high levels of minerals, consider using distilled or filtered water.

What should I do if I accidentally overwatered my Monstera?

A6: If you suspect you’ve overwatered your Monstera, allow the soil to dry out before watering again. Ensure that the pot has proper drainage, and consider adjusting the watering frequency going forward.

If you notice any signs of root rot, such as wilting or yellowing leaves, take action promptly.

Can I use a self-watering system for my Monstera?

While self-watering systems can be convenient, they may not be ideal for Monstera plants. These systems can lead to overwatering if not carefully monitored.

If you choose to use a self-watering system, be sure to regularly check the soil moisture to prevent waterlogging.


Achieving the zenith of Monstera care entails a comprehensive grasp of watering intricacies. By accounting for factors like light intensity, temperature gradients, humidity levels, pot dimensions, and soil constitution, and by employing the finger test, you’ll be primed to furnish your Monstera with the tailored care it merits.

Remember, each plant possesses its unique idiosyncrasies, so keen observation and adaptive adjustments will be your allies.

With diligence and practice, you’ll cultivate an intuitive sense for nurturing your Monstera throughout the year. Happy gardening!